

人生はコイントス?みんなの人生は表(幸せ)?裏(不幸せ)? Is life a coin toss? Is everyone's life on the front side (happy) or the back side (unhappy)?









私は、みんなと出会えてとっても幸せだよ!これからも一緒に幸せを見つけていこうね!(^^ )



Good evening!
This is “Uncle Denki”.


What's life all about? Let's think about it!


Let's compare life to tossing a coin. When you toss a coin, you get either Heads (happiness) or tails (unhappiness). But it's a 50/50 split as to which one comes out. In other words, you get the same amount of both.


Everyone has an equal chance to be happy and an equal chance to be unhappy. But it depends on how you feel which one is more.


So, anyway, you can always say, “I'm lucky! I'm happy! I'm happy! For example, even on a rainy day, we should be thankful for small things, such as “The rain makes the flowers healthy” or “I'm happy to have a delicious meal today, too.


I am very happy to have met you all! Let's continue to find happiness together! (^^ )

That was “Uncle Denki”!