

5/24 世界統合失調症デー:統合失調症ってなあに? 5/24 World Schizophrenia Day: What is schizophrenia?


























『電氣おじさん』でしたm(_ _)m


Good evening!

This is “Uncle Denki”(^_^)


Today is World Schizophrenia Day. Did you know that?

I want everyone to know about schizophrenia through this day.

I would like to talk about how we feel and how we can help others with schizophrenia.


What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a disease that affects the way we think, feel, and act. Sometimes we see things we can't see or hear voices we can't hear. But that's not all of us. We laugh, cry, and have fun just like everyone else.


Let's cut the chains that hold us back.

One of the things that bothers us with schizophrenia is that people don't understand us or misunderstand us. But the kindness of others can help break the chains.


Start with knowing: It is important to know about schizophrenia. Learn how we feel and what kind of help we need.


Listen to us: It is very helpful if you just listen to what we have to say. We appreciate it when you try to understand how we feel and what is going on.


Don't forget to be kind: A small act of kindness or a word of support can go a long way. A little kindness in our daily life can warm our hearts.


To bring back smiles

In order for people with schizophrenia to smile again, it is very important to have kindness and understanding from everyone. When people treat us with warmth and without discrimination and misunderstanding, we can spend our time with peace of mind.


I hope that World Schizophrenia Day will be an opportunity for everyone to learn a little more about schizophrenia and practice kindness. Let's create a society full of smiles together.


Thank you for your support and understanding. Let's aim for a bright future together!

This is “Uncle Denki” m(_ _ _)m