

日常という戦場の中で・・・君たちは勇敢な戦士! In the battlefield of everyday life...you are brave warriors!






















Good evening!

This is “Uncle Denki”!

Everyday, there are times when you think of kurushii, tsurui, nigetai, kietai...

I think that's proof that you are fighting hard in the battlefield of everyday life!

I would like to send a message to all of you!


You are brave warriors fighting on the battlefield of everyday life. You face many trials and tribulations in your daily lives: at home, at school, with friends and family. Sometimes you fight enemies like anger, sadness, and loneliness.


But your battles are not in vain. What you learn and grow through these battles will make you stronger. With each challenge you overcome, you become stronger and more courageous.


Sometimes you will encounter setbacks and failures. But it is that failure that will show you a new path. It is not just a defeat, but an opportunity to learn and grow.


You are not alone. You have friends. Your family, friends, teachers, and adults will support you. And together, you can overcome difficulties and face new challenges.


You are truly brave in the true sense of the word as you fight on the battlefield of everyday life. Remember that your courage and efforts are respected by all, and that your attitude gives courage and hope to those around you.


And your future is bright. You will face any difficulties you face, believe in yourselves, and keep going. If you do so, a wonderful future will surely await you. I am sure...


This was “Uncle Denki”!

See you soon! (^_^)/~