

亡き人々からのメッセージ? Messages from the departed?

おはようございますm(_ _)m
















今は亡き人々と今を生きる人々が幸福であることを祈ります(_ _)



Good morning m(_ _ _)m
Today, I would like to think about our departed.

Do you think many of the departed feel this way?

I don't know, it's hard to understand, but I want to know, I want to feel.


"Messages from the departed."


Dear all of you

I feel that even though I have passed away, I continue to live on in your hearts. To feel me in your memories, those moments are the greatest joy for me.

There have been times in my life when I have had deep suffering and anxiety. I have sometimes burdened my own heart with the thought of all of you. Because of my kindness, I sometimes felt lonely because I could not gain the understanding of those around me. This loneliness and suffering sometimes affected my words and actions, and there may have been times when my kindness was not conveyed well. However, that did not change the love and gratitude I felt for all of you.

The bonds and memories I have formed with all of you are my irreplaceable treasures. Your smiles and kind words have been my support through the hard times. I cannot thank you all enough for the way you thought of me and gave your hearts to me. Your love always shone warmly in my heart.

I am now in a place of peace and tranquility. Please take care of yourselves and remember the love and kindness in your hearts. The time and experiences we spent together will always shine brightly in your hearts. Your smiles and happiness are my greatest joy.

Please live happily without feeling the pain and loneliness that I have been experiencing. When you face difficulties, please remember that I am there watching over you. It is my greatest wish that my kindness will reach your hearts and that you will feel warmth and courage in your future lives.

It is my wish that you all live happily and with smiles on your faces. Feel me in your hearts and move forward with love. I always wish you all a wonderful life.

Finally, I will always love you all. I look forward to seeing you again someday. Until then, please stay healthy and happy. I will always be with you in your hearts. I hope that our memories will support you and enrich your future lives.

Lots of love to you.



Those now departed and those who live today can connect
I wish happiness to those now departed and those living now (_ _)

Thank you for reading