

ママと子どもたちへ For moms and children






















When a baby is born, a mother really tries a lot. When the baby is in the belly of the mother, it is in a warm and safe place. But when the baby comes out into the outside world, both mom and baby work hard together. This is a joint effort between the two of them.

You all know what a watermelon is, right? It is a big, heavy fruit. Don't you think it is very hard to get that watermelon out of your body? It is sometimes said that the pain a mother feels is like trying to get that watermelon out through a very narrow path. That's how painful and difficult it is.

But mom is not the only one who works hard. The baby also works very hard to get out. The baby prepares to go out through the narrow passage with its head down in the belly of the mother. Because mom and baby are working together, the birth goes well.

The pain of childbirth can last a long time. It can last from a few hours to, in some cases, all day. And the pain doesn't come just once; it comes in waves, over and over again. Each time the pain hits, the mother endures it with her whole body, trying her best to welcome her baby.

Furthermore, the pain of childbirth affects not only the body but also the mind. While fighting the pain, mothers hope that their babies will be born safely. Sometimes the pain is so strong that breathing becomes difficult. But the mother continues to endure the pain in order to meet her baby.

Everyone feels the pain of childbirth differently. One person may feel it very intensely, while another may feel only a little pain. The same person may also feel pain differently each time they give birth. So you never know what the pain of childbirth will be like until it happens.

It is really wonderful that mom and baby are born after such a hard time. So when the baby is born, say “thank you” to both mom and baby. And remember how hard mommy worked and how hard the baby worked.

To Mom.
Thank you for always trying so hard. Thank you for all the pain you endured and all the hard work you put in to welcome your baby into the world. Your love and courage are truly amazing.

To my children
Thank you for being born. When you were born, please remember that your mom and I worked so hard together. Always keep in mind how much you mean to your mom and how much joy you bring her.