

死んだあとの世界ってどうなるの? What happens to the world after death? 




















ありがとうの気持ち: 毎日、小さなことにも「ありがとう」と思う気持ちを大切にしましょう。友達や家族に感謝することで、楽しく過ごせます。


友達や家族を大切にする: みんなとの時間を大切にしましょう。楽しい思い出をたくさん作ることが、後悔を少なくします。


自分の好きなことをする: 他の人がどう思うかよりも、自分が本当に好きなことややりたいことを大切にしましょう。


新しいことに挑戦(ちょうせん)する: 怖がらずに新しいことに挑戦することで、たくさんの楽しい経験ができます。






読んでくれてありがとう(_ _)




Good morning!

This is “Uncle Denki”(^_^)


Have you ever thought about the world after death?

In this blog, I would like to share with you my thoughts on “Mu” (nothingness) and “Kuu” (emptiness), which are a little bit complicated words.


What is Mu?

Mu” means nothing. For example, think of an empty box with nothing in it. That is “Mu. But this “Mu” is not just empty, it teaches us the importance of change.


There are many things around us that are always changing. For example, the seasons change, everyone's feelings change, and so on. We can think that even after we die, our existence does not cease to exist, but it changes into another form.


What is “Kuu”?

Kuu” means that we are all connected. For example, a tree needs soil, water, and sun to grow. In the same way, we are connected to the people and nature around us.


The sky teaches us to value this connection. Therefore, it can be thought that we do not disappear completely after death, but continue to live in the connections around us.


How to live without regrets

When we think about “after death,” it is important to ask ourselves, “How can I live?” It is important to think “How should I live? Here, I would like to talk about how to live without regrets.


Thankfulness: Everyday, we should be thankful for even the smallest things. Thanking your friends and family will help you enjoy your life.


Cherish your friends and family: Cherish the time you spend with everyone. Making lots of happy memories will reduce regrets.


Do what you love: Value what you really love and what you want to do more than what others think you should do.


Try new things: Don't be afraid to try new things, because you will have many fun experiences.



There are many ways of thinking about the world after death, but knowing the concepts of “nothingness” and “emptiness” will help us to live more joyfully in the present. I encourage everyone to cherish each and every day so as not to have regrets.


I hope this blog will be an opportunity for everyone to think.

Thank you for reading (_ _)


This was “Uncle Denki”(^_^)/~


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)