

朝が起きるのがつらいですか?なかなか寝つけなかった?どうしよう(>.<) Do you have a hard time getting up in the morning? Have you had trouble getting back to sleep? What to do (>. <)

おはようございますm(_ _)m














朝のシャワー: 特に冷水を利用すると、体をシャキッとさせる効果があります。

軽い運動: ストレッチや軽いジョギングで血流を促進し、エネルギーレベルを上げます。



適度なカフェイン摂取: コーヒーや緑茶を朝から飲むと効果的ですが、午後遅くには避けるようにします。過度な摂取は逆効果になることもあります。



バランスの取れた食事: 炭水化物、タンパク質、ビタミンが豊富な食事を摂り、血糖値の急激な変動を避けます。

軽いスナック: フルーツやナッツなど、エネルギーを持続的に供給する軽いスナックを取り入れます。



明るい場所で過ごす: 自然光が入る場所や、明るい照明の下で活動すると、体内時計がリセットされ、眠気が軽減されます。

空気の流れを確保する: フレッシュな空気が流れる環境を作ることで、集中力を保ちやすくなります。



タスクの分割: 一度に多くのことをしようとせず、小さなタスクに分けて取り組み、集中力を維持します。

リラックス方法: 短い瞑想や深呼吸で精神をリフレッシュさせます。



短い昼寝: 20〜30分のパワーナップが効果的です。ただし、長すぎると逆効果になることがあります。



十分な水分摂取: 脱水症状は疲労感を増すので、こまめに水分を摂ります。



無理をしない: 体調が優れないときは無理をせず、できるだけ休むようにします。






お読みいただきありがとうございます(_ _)




Good morning m(_ _ _)m

This is “Uncle Denki”.


Last night, I had a hard time sleeping, and I didn't sleep at all until the morning (T-T).

It's really hard....

It's really hard... I have to go to work now...

Did you all sleep well? Are you okay? Is it hard? It's hard, isn't it?


I have looked into how to get through the day when you wake up in the morning without a wink of sleep.

I hope you find it useful.


However, if you can't avoid it, here are some tips to help you get through the day.


1. wake up your body

Morning shower: Cold water, in particular, can help you feel refreshed.

Light exercise: Stretching and light jogging will stimulate blood flow and increase energy levels.


2. appropriate use of caffeine

Moderate caffeine intake: Coffee or green tea in the morning can be beneficial, but should be avoided in the late afternoon. Excessive intake can be counterproductive.


3. nutritional support

Balanced diet: Eat a diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins to avoid rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

Light snacks: Include light snacks that provide sustained energy, such as fruits and nuts.


4. environment

Lighted areas: natural light and brightly lit activities help reset the body's internal clock and reduce drowsiness.

Allow air to flow: Creating an environment with fresh air will help you stay focused.


5. Mental Measures

Divide tasks into smaller ones to maintain focus instead of trying to do too much at once.

Relaxation: Refresh your mind with short meditations and deep breathing.


6. moderate naps

Short naps: A power nap of 20 to 30 minutes is effective. However, too long a nap may have the opposite effect.


7. Hydration

Adequate fluid intake: Drink fluids frequently, as dehydration can increase fatigue.


8. Self-care

Take it easy: If you are not feeling well, take it easy and rest as much as possible.

Combine these methods and try to get through the day within a reasonable range. Then, make it a priority to get enough sleep the next day to refresh your body and mind.


Insomnia is hard. I hope you manage to get through the day.

Let's all take it easy and get through the day.


Thank you for reading (_ _)

It was “Uncle Denki”. Oh, it's so hard (>_<)

See you again.