

マザーアースへ Go to Mother Earth 




















Dear Mother Earth

Hello Mother Earth. We love you. We love everything you have created, the animals, the plants, the bugs, the fish, everyone. Thank you for always giving us energy. The sunshine, the rain, the wind, the soil, they are all precious gifts you give us.


But lately I feel you are getting tired. Maybe we humans are hurting you. I am sorry. Maybe it is because we are chopping down so many trees, polluting the rivers and oceans, and polluting the air. It saddens me so much to see you suffering.


Still, please do not rush to live. If you are tired and feel that you want to die, I am very worried. If you are feeling that way because of us, I am so sorry. But please wait a little. We are learning and working hard to help you right now.


We are planting more trees, cleaning our rivers and oceans, finding ways to clean the air. And we are also finding ways to reduce waste and use new energy sources to protect nature. We realize that it is important for each of us to start small.


For example, we make sure to separate our garbage properly when we throw it away, we try not to waste water, and we try not to use more electricity than we need. Working together, we all do our best to make you feel better.


Children and adults, all working together, are doing our best to protect you. We want to show your beautiful nature to our future children as well. So please, please hang in there just a little bit longer.


When you are healthy, we will be even more healthy. The animals, the plants, everyone will be happier. We will do whatever we can to bring back your smile.


Mother Earth, thank you so much for everything. We love you. Let's continue to work together to create a better future. Please, just give us a moment. And please watch over us so that we can help you.


Please keep up the good work.