

僕は統合失調症ですが・・・ I'm schizophrenic...









































お読みいただきありがとうございます(_ _)



Hello (^_^)!

It's been a while, hasn't it? It's been a while!


It's been so long, I guess I forgot about you.

I've regained a little bit of my energy, so I thought I'd post this.

I'd like to talk about my schizophrenia. Why did I become schizophrenic? I have been thinking about it. This is just my personal opinion.


Looking back on my past, it may have been due to my family environment in my childhood and the disability I may have had.


My family environment included single motherhood, poverty, and family discord.

My own disabilities include developmental disabilities (probably in the gray zone), communication disorders, etc.


Family environment of us and our siblings

My siblings and I had a trying family environment. Growing up in a single-parent home, we suffered from poverty, and there was constant discord in the family. In addition, we were developmentally disabled and had difficulty communicating with each other. These difficulties had a profound impact on the way we, my siblings, grew up.


Motherhood and Poverty

My mother worked day and night to raise us and my siblings on her own. Despite her efforts, we had very little financial means. Every day was like a fight for survival. Even so, my mother gave us, her siblings, as much love as she could.


Family Discord

Family discord also cast a deep shadow over my mind. When my mother came home exhausted from work, there was a lot of tension between my siblings and me. My mother was stressed out, and sometimes she would lose control of her emotions and lash out at my siblings and I. My grandfather, who lived with my mother, and I were both very close to our mother. Fights between my grandfather and my mother, who lived with us, were a common occurrence. My siblings and I did not know how to deal with it and could only endure it.


Developmental Disabilities and Communication Disorders

Because of my developmental disability, I had great difficulty communicating with others. I had trouble with words, reading textbooks, and understanding the intentions of others. Because of this, it was difficult for me to make friends at school, and I often felt isolated. My relationships with classmates and teachers were also awkward, and I suffered from not being understood.


The Birth of My Other Self

To escape these many stresses, I created another self within me. I created an ideal self in my imagination as a refuge from the pain of reality. This other self, unlike the real me, was strong, confident, and courageous enough to face difficulties. Perhaps this moment was the beginning of a split in my mental functioning. He” became a source of support in my mind and helped me to keep hope alive no matter how harsh the reality. Talking with “him” encouraged me and gave me the strength to face my difficulties.


However, “he” became exhausted, or perhaps he thought he had done his job, and left me. From that moment on, I became weak and lost my confidence and courage. I became extremely depressed.


The presence of “him” in my life

After “he” was gone, “that guy,” the entity that attacked me, began to appear. He” pushed me into self-denial by attacking my weaknesses and insecurities. I heard his voice echoing in my head, “It doesn't matter what you do,” “No one needs you,” “You're nothing,” “You're nothing,” “You're nothing,” “You're nothing,” and “You're nothing. Sometimes I felt the urge to hurt myself.


Even if I wanted to see or talk to “him,” he might never reappear.

It is “that guy” who still lingers around, but even if I try desperately to erase him, he will not disappear. When I try to erase it, it rebels against me. I may have no choice but to accept it now.


The “him” who gave me courage and the “him” who denied me are both me. I thank “him” for acknowledging the existence of each of them. I hate to say it, but thank you to “him” too.

I would like to say thank you to myself for my efforts until now.


Thank you for reading this (_ _)

This was “Uncle Denki”.